

  1、If it is wrong to love you, then my heart just won’t let me be right.爱上你是一种错,但我的心却怂恿我一错再错。

  2、I want someone whos afraid of losing me 我希望找到一个担心失去我的人。

  3、If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。

  4、Scenes do not say the words and reality a slap in the face rejection was more sober.说尽场面话都不及现实一个耳光甩得来得清醒。

  5、A little consideration, a little thought for others makes all the difference. 一点点体贴,一点点为他人着想,会让一切都不一样。

  6、Parted as friend and not because he had hurt.分手以后不做朋友, 是因为曾经伤害过。

  7、The wise man builds no hopes for the future, entertains no regrets for the past.聪明的人不奢望未来,也不追悔过去。

  8、You are the only exception. 你是唯一的例外。

  9、Love comes fast. You either risk it, or you regret it. 爱情来得如此之快。你要么冒险一搏,要么遗憾一生。

  10、Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. 不管去哪,不管什么天气,永远带上你自己的小太阳。

  11、I still love, only less than with persistent. 我依然爱,只是少了点执着。

  12、You not feel consumes me how many tears. 你一句没感觉,消耗了我多少眼泪。

  13、I’m a principled person,but my mood guides my principles. 我是一个很有原则的人,我的.原则就是看心情。

  14、Always said after the later, to the later, we have no later.老是说着以后以后,到了那个以后,我们都没了以后。

  15、Love you, don’t need a reason; don’t like you, anything can be a reason.爱你,不需要理由;不喜欢你,什么都可以成为理由。

  16、Behind every girl's favorite song is an untold story.每个女孩最喜欢的歌背后,都有个没讲述的故事。

  17、What did you do my desertion, became her heroes.你做了我的逃兵,却成了她的盖世英雄.

  18、The best way to get over someone,is to get under someone else.忘记某个人最好的方法,就是喜欢上其他人。


  There are people in life who love most, just like you


  The greatest regret in life is


  Suddenly I gave up


  The greatest dream of life


  You are fog


  Just because I like you.


  It was a fragrance that was indescribable.


  Recommend it to me!


  Whether you kiss me or not


  In winter, everything will be the best.


  Wind blows, you stand in front of me, sweet.


  Life is endless, let you say goodbye.


  Life is different from movies


  We must adhere to our basic principles.


  I hope to meet again.


  You can turn down everyone in my name later.


  At the end of the road, it is gentle and moonlight.

  1、You came into my mind that a maze with no exit.你走进了我心里那个没有出口的迷宫。

  2、You ever far is my fixed lattice.你永远是我的定格。

  3、Time such as water, always silent. If you are well, it is sunny. 时光如水,总是无言。若你安好,便是晴天。

  4、Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age.爱情把小时变成月,把天变成年,把每一次不见面变成一生。

  5、Thinking too much of others makes you nothing in their eyes. 把别人看得太重,结果在别人眼里自己什么都不是.

  6、Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

  7、With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。

  8、I became a captive to her beauty. 我因她的美色而变成了俘虏。

  9、Most want is you, the most do not want to bother is also you.最想的是你,最不想打扰的也是你。

  10、Real dream is the other shore of reality. 真正的梦就是现实的彼岸。

  11、I fall in love when i see you!我对你一见钟情!

  12、Old dream we had the best time of appearance. 梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光。

  13、Promise more,not be,that is just a lie.承诺再多,做不到,也不过是谎言。

  14、One's weakest part is that he is reluctant to give up.人最软弱的地方,是舍不得。

  15、One's dream, only when the other person joins, has the weight of happiness. 一个人的梦想,唯有在另一个人加入时,才有幸福的重量。

  16、A we missed the time, France.时间一点点被我们错过,擦肩而过。

  17、A person, be good to yourself; Two person, treat each other.一个人时,善待自己;两个人时,善待对方。

  18、May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset. 愿你的生命中有足够的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

  19、Since then mention you no wind no rain also no clear.从此以后提及你,也无风无雨也无晴。

  20、Life is the flower for which love is the honey.生命如花,爱情是蜜。

  21、Be what you want to be, not what others want to see. 做你自己想做的,而不是别人想看到的。

  22、I wish to be generous for the rest of my life.既许一人以偏爱,愿尽余生之慷慨。

  23、People are always hungry for nothing.And get rid of what you have. 人永远是渴望得不到的,而摒弃所拥有的。

  24、Everything is going on, but don’t give up trying. 万事随缘,但不要放弃努力。

  25、From what I can see in your eyes, I know you are my Mr.Right.确认过眼神,我遇到对的人。

  26、Smile.It’s easier than explaining why you’re sad.请微笑。这比解释为何悲伤要容易。

  27、Passionate love is a quenchless thirst.热烈的爱情是不可抑制的渴望。

  28、May your love soar on the wings of a dove in flight.愿你的爱乘着飞翔的白鸽,展翅高飞。

  29、No words are necessary between two loving hearts.两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

  30、Liwe a good life meet slomy(好好生活慢慢相遇)

  31、Ihope you're here for me(我希望你为我而来)

  32、Want to give you a hug,let the world know.(想给你一个拥抱,让全世界都知道。)

  33、The world is suidernly late the mountains rivers sre slready autum(人间忽晚,山河已秋。)

  34、cross the stars and the moon to meet yourself better跨过星河迈过月亮去迎接更好的自己

  35、you are backit with all the good things in this world.(你逆光而来配得上这世间所有的好)

  36、One day,we donlt have to say goodoye,just say good night.总有一天,我们不用再说再见,只需道句晚安

  37、I want to say good night to the worid.you happen to be the world.想对全世界说晚安,恰好你就是全世界

  38、I'm dark all over,and I always want to give sunshine to others.自己满身阴暗,还总想给别人阳光

  39、Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.(环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的`星星)

  40、It's better to make methylethylpropanedine in Qing Dynasty.(不如两清,做甲乙丙丁。)

  41、The weather suddenly cools,so its time to turn the story.(天气突然变凉,故事也该翻篇了。)

  42、Don't deny yourself,you are very kind,very gentle,especially worthwhile.(别否定自己,你特别好,特别温柔,特别值得。)

  43、Around the galaxy,there are no brighter stars than you.(环游遍了整个星系,找不到比你更亮的星星)

  44、The first one out of the big wind came home with me(外面风大,和我回家)

  45、The fifth leter may be time to just your eyes smiling.(可能时间刚好,你眼角带笑)


  47、Born a layman,like money and moved.生而俗人,喜欢金钱和感动。

  48、Born sensitive,lonely and happy.生而敏感,孤独而快乐。

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